Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová

First Lady participated in the celebrations of the World Day of Red Cross and Red Crescent in Slovakia

Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2010 | First Lady participated in the celebrations of the World Day of Red Cross and Red Crescent in Slovakia

33 volunteers from the rows of volunteers, professional staff or supporters of the Slovak Red Cross were rewarded of 5th May 2010 in the Primate’s Palace in Bratislava on the occasion of the World Day of Red Cross and Red Crescent. Among the guests was also the spouse of the slovak President SR Mrs. Silvia GAšparovičová, who is also honorary president of the Slovak Red Cross.

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In her speech Mrs. Gašparovičová commended the work of SRC volunteers. "Every day we learn about the various natural disasters that affect human destinies around the world. Volunteers, aid workers do not hesitate to risk their lives to save other lives. Even you, who are here today, deserve great thanks not only from those you have helped, but from all of us. You do your work without any claim to royalty, and this dedicated work really underscores your commitment to be a huge human assist for others in need." Said the First Lady who follows with great interest the work of the SRC. She added that she also pays a lot interest of charity and helping people in need, and is therefore very pleased that this year she got offered the title Honorary President of the Slovak Red Cross. "I appreciate this very much and I will try to support your activitie even more," said Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová.

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Awarded were working in the Red Cross for many years. Their experiences they don´t leave only for themselves but they transmit them to younger colleagues. As the SRC President Mrs. Helena Kobzová Light said, theme of our commitment is „tolerance, solidarity, mutual respect between people, the willingness to perceive the needs and problems of fellow human beings, regardless of the cause of human misery and dependence. It´s not an easy task at the time when we feel lack of moral values, to promote compassion, self-sacrifice help to others. Thousands of volunteers willingly give their time to others. Thanks to you, which we meet here today, we look with hope into the future."

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Honorary Silver Medal of Henry Dunant got from the hands of Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová, the First Lady of Slovakia, Mrs. Helena Nagyová, who got it for particularly important and worthy activities in the SRC. Also this year was the "Medal of the Slovak Red Cross for saving lives" awarded. This medal took from the hands of Mrs. Gašparovičová Lukáš Kuča and Onrej Vačák. These professional firefighters saved the live of a two month old girl from a burning house.

World Day of Red Cross and Red Crescent was first celebrated worldwide on 8th May 1948 on the anniversary of Henry Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross and the first holder of the Nobel Peace Prize.

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