Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová

Participants of the international project ´Together against Climate Change´ visited the First Lady

Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2009 | Participants of the international project ´Together against Climate Change´ visited the First Lady

Environmental protection – this is one of the main objectives of students who have a common international project to combat climate change called ´Together against Climate Change´. Participants from Slovakia, Germany, Italy and France visited on 5th May 2009 the slovak First Lady Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová in the Presidential Palace. "More frequent weather events, melting of Arctic glaciers or draining African lakes - this is just a small list of the impacts of global warming. As you know, climate change is a global problem and even small changes in the behavior of each of us can affect this process. Turn off light, recycle and not overheat rooms are just some of the steps that affect environmental improvements, as we all know; but the majority of individuals ignores it, as well as responsible institutions," she said.

Participants of the international project ´Together against Climate Change´ visited the First Lady

Students of the international project are involved in activities such as separating waste or improve green spaces in schools and beyond. Mrs. Gašparovičová believes that these actions will also affect the adoption of national and international programs.

Participants of the international project ´Together against Climate Change´ visited the First Lady

Within two years, participating schools will prepare project meetings for their partner institutions and evaluate themselves as well as present sub-project tasks. Also they learn about the city and everything that is linked with. Students broaden their knowledge of the subjects biology, chemistry, geography, physics and English. Learning is also interesting for them that they can see the connection between objects and thus complementing the overall view of the environmental problems.
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