Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová

State honours 2009

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On 8th January 2009 Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová attended the ceremonial act of granting the highest state honours to notabilities of the cultural, scientific, social and economic life by the occasion of the state feast – Day of Establishing of the Slovak Republic. The festivy act in the Historic building of the National Council of the Slovak Republic attended also the Spokesman of the council Mr. Pavol Paška with his spouse, the slovak Prime Minister Mr. Robert Fico with his spouse, as well as members of the government, parliament, diplomatic core, churches and other guests.

Udeľovanie štátnych vyznamenaní

The awarded notabilities are: Mr. Jozef Čongva, Mrs. Ailsa Rosemary May Domanová, Mr. František Uhrík, Mr. Róber Vida – in memoriam, Mr. Vincent Blanár, Mr. Anton Jurovský – in memoriam, Mr. Milan Rúfus, Mr. Tibor Frešo – in memoriam, Mr. Vojtech Rušin, Mr. Juraj Sarvaš, Mr. Ján Farkaš – in memoriam, Mr. Jozef Konkoly, Mr. Viliam Polónyi and Mr. Ján Ružička.
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