Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová

Catalogue 2008 of the designer Gordana Turuk

Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2007 | Catalogue 2008 of the designer Gordana Turuk

„Dreams sealed into glass“ is the head-line of the catalogue for the year 2008 by well known glass artist Gordana Turuk. The catalogue presentation on 27th November 2007 in Bratislava visited also Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová who congratulated Mrs. Turuk to her wonderful sculptures and thanked for her charity engagement. As Mrs. Gašparovičová said in her speech, she meets Gordana almost only at charitable events, concerts and auctions where she gives her works of art for beneficial uses. Sometimes she even buys works of other artists because of charity reasons.

Promócia katalógu 2008 výtvarníčky Gordany Turuk

Mrs. Gašparovičová congratulated Mrs. Turuk also to the won of the first place at the IX. International Festival of Beaux Arts „San Crispino“ in Italy. In that way Gordana Turuk contributed to the good reputation of slovak artists abroad.

Promócia katalógu 2008 výtvarníčky Gordany Turuk

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