Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová

Visegrad Integra Cup 2005

Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2005 | Visegrad Integra Cup 2005

Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová visited on Saturday 12th October 2005 the biggest sport dance contest on a wheelchair in the history of Slovakia – the Opened Europe Championship and Visegrad Cup 2005. The First Lady hold the auspice over the second event.

Visegrad  Integra Cup 2005

This event took place in the beautiful facilities of Reduta in Bratislava. Couples from eleven countries in Europe danced at this event – the First Lady could see dances of 8 healthy couples and admirable dance numbers of pairs on wheelchairs. It was organized by the civil union Slovak Union of Dance Sport on Wheelchairs (SZTŠV) that is specialized at the integrated paralympics discipline – dance sport on wheelchaires.

Visegrad  Integra Cup 2005

The Slovak Republic became the 23rd country in the world that realizes this paralympic sport and achieves great results – titels such as Europe Vice-Master 2003, finalists in World Championship 2004, World Cup Vice-Masters 2005 and winners of international championships. Also at the Visegrad Integra Cup 2005 were slovak handicapped dancers very successful. Also Mrs. Gašparovičová congratulated them to their results.

The fact the slovak First Lady hold the aupice over this event wasn´t an occurrence. The Slovak Foundation of Silvia Gašparovičová – Education and Health for Everbody co-operates in a long term with the civil union SZTŠV and financially supported wheelchair bound dancers at buying of a special dancing wheelchair.
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