Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová

The 10th Art Salon of the Help for Mentally Handicapped Association in the Slovak Republic under the Patronage of Silvia Gašparovičová

Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2005 | The 10th Art Salon of the Help for Mentally Handicapped Association in the Slovak Republic under the Patronage of Silvia Gašparovičová

Together with Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Ľudovít Kaník, Silvia Gašparovičová presented the awards to the winners of the 10th Art Salon organized by the Help for Mentally Handicapped Association in the Slovak Republic on 14 October 2005. In her speech, the First Lady said that the people who were, on one hand, deprived of something by Nature, were, on the other hand given abilities of different seeing and perceiving the world.

The mentally handicapped people see our world through different eyes and are able to sense the things that are completely neglected by others and whose beauty is often looked past. Further, she said that in her understanding the exhibition was also a reminder of this delicate beauty, an occasion to stop in our busy lives and contemplate the meaning of the life. Silvia Gašparovičová thanked to all the artists and organizers for the pleasantly spent afternoon. Then she presented Director of the Help for Mentally Handicapped Association Iveta Mišová a financial gift of SKK 10,000 for the Association’s activities, together with greetings from the President of the Slovak Republic.

10. ročníka Výtvarného salóna

10. ročníka Výtvarného salóna

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