Prezident SR - Foto archív President of the Slovak Republic delivers a speech at the plenary session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg

President of the Slovak Republic delivers a speech at the plenary session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg

Ivan Gašparovič paid a visit to Strasbourg during the Slovak Republic’s presidency over the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe which started in November 2007 and is due to finish on the 7th of May 2008. The president delivered a speech at the plenary session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly.

In his speech, the president mentioned the 15th anniversary of Slovakia’s membership as an independent state in the Council of Europe, and praised the successes achieved by our country during this period. “As far as economy is concerned, today the Slovak Republic ranks among the most dynamically growing countries in the world.

According to the president, the Slovak Republic took an active part in the preparations of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and was one of the first states to ratify it. Moreover, Slovakia was actively submitting to the Council of Europe situation reports on the protection of persons belonging to national minorities even though it was not yet legally obliged to do so. “We have incorporated your recommendations into the Treaty on Good Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation with our neighbouring country Hungary. Thus, in the form of a legally binding Treaty we have provided guarantees to protect the rights of persons belonging to national minorities,” Ivan Gašparovič said regarding Slovak-Hungarian relations.

In the speech at the Council of Europe the president also mentioned the situation of Roma living in Slovakia. Communication with the Roma community has its own particularities, it is not easy, and Roma people accept new avenues of cooperation with a certain level of reluctance, President Gašparovič noted. “On the other hand, the almost paternalist approach of our society has taught Roma to accept them, but has not taught them to take care of their property and to responsibly participate in the creation of the quality of their own life, “ the president said, while noting that solving the Roma issue is considered by the Slovak Government one of its main tasks – a fact which it also declares in the Government Manifesto.

The president’s speech also included the evaluation of cooperation with the European Court of Human Rights, which he rated as excellent.

The Slovak president met with the president of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly In Strasbourg, Ivan Gašparovič also met with the President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Lluís Maria de Puig who thanked him for the almost half-year presidency of Slovakia over the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe which he considers “brilliant”. Mr de Puig also congratulated the president on the positive achievements in terms of social and economic development Slovakia recorded during its 15-year membership in the Council of Europe.

During the meetings, Ivan Gašparovič also met today with the President of the European Court of Human Rights, Jean – Paul Costa. The President particularly emphasised the necessity to solve controversial cases mainly at the member state level, in order that claimants do not have a reason to address their complaints to Strasbourg.

The topic of the meeting with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe was Slovakia’s policy vis-à-vis the Council of Europe, which remains unchanged since our entry into the organization. Ivan Gašparovič pointed out that the basic values of the Council of Europe are, and will be the future priority for all Slovak politicians.