Prezident SR - Foto archív The President of the Slovak Republic receives Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko

The President of the Slovak Republic receives Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko

On 11th October, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, accompanied by his wife Katerina, arrived in Slovakia for a two day official visit.

Following their bilateral discussions, the President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič expressed his satisfaction with the opportunity to welcome his Ukrainian counterpart in Slovakia. Bilateral discussions covered the development of mutual relations in the spheres of economic, cultural, education and foreign policy cooperation.

The two presidents also discussed other agreements which could be reached, particularly in areas of science, education, culture, trade, and cross-border relations. This last theme is particularly relevant given Slovakia’s integration into the Schengen space, and President Ivan Gašparovič declared that “we will search for new forms of cross-border relations with Ukraine." He reassured the Ukrainian president that Slovakia will continue to support Ukraine’s efforts towards integration with Europe.

He accepted from President Yushchenko a list of Slovak citizens who died in Ukrainian prisons in 1944-54, a repressive period of the communist regime. President Viktor Yushchenko informed the Slovak head of state of the results of the recent parliamentary elections in Ukraine. President Gašparovič congratulated him on the democratic course of the electoral process.

Viktor Yushchenko stressed his appreciation of the good neighbourly relations between the two countries, and expressed his conviction that the Slovak Parliament and citizens would recognise the fact of a genocide against the Ukrainian nation in 1932-1933.

He also commented on the themes of the bilateral discussions, which have a bilateral and a European dimension, including visa regulations, special arrangements for those living very close to the border, and questions of energy.

Both partners expressed their satisfaction with the solution of questions relating to national minorities on both sides of the border.

At the end of the meeting, the Ukrainian President invited his Slovak counterpart to visit the Ukraine.