Prezident SR - Foto archív Slovak President Attends the Inauguration Mass of Pope Francis in Vatican

Slovak President Attends the Inauguration Mass of Pope Francis in Vatican

The President of the Slovak Republic, Ivan Gašparovič, attended the inauguration mass of newly elected Pope Francis held on 19 March 2013 in Vatican. The Slovak head of state was accompanied by Minister of Culture Marek Maďarič.

After the inauguration mass, President Gašparovič was granted a personal audience with Pope Francis. The President congratulated him on his election and conveyed the greetings from Slovak people.

The Slovak head of state reiterated his invitation to the Holy Father for an official visit to Slovakia. “I would like to invite you to visit Slovakia on the occasion of the 1150th anniversary of the arrival of St. Cyril and St. Methodius to the land of our ancestors,” Ivan Gašparovič said.

During the audience with the Pope, Slovakia’s highest state official also mentioned his recent meeting with representatives of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, Argentina; Pope Francis is one of its co-founders.

Pope Francis told Ivan Gašparovič he held the Slovak nation in high regard and asked that Slovak believers prayed to God for him.