Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2007 | Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová attended the special conference of the Slovak Golf Association
Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová attended on September 7, 2007 the special conference of the Slovak Golf Association (SKGA) in Veľká Lomnica, the programme of which was also the accession of the Junior Golf Association (AJGOS) to SKGA. As members of SKGA were accepted also Žilina-Rajec Golf Club and Women´s Golf Association in Slovakia.
 Beyond this conference with the participation of the presidential couple took place the ceremonial opening of the 3rd nine-hole court. Also the sprinkle of the energocentre-ground together with an aquacenter that should grow up in the area of the Black Stork in next three years took place. The new course was immediately used for the tournament V4 Golf Cup 2007 under the patronage of the President of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Ivan Gašparovič. The 2nd unit of this undertaking will take place next year in the Czech Republic under the patronage of the President of the Czech Republic, Mr. Václav Klaus.

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