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President of the Russian Federation invites Ivan Gašparovič to Moscow

President of the Russian Federation invites Ivan Gašparovič to Moscow

February 25, 2005

After the end of bilateral discussions between the Slovak and Russian delegations during the first official visit of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, to Slovakia both parties signed a bilateral agreement between the Governments of the Slovak Republic and the Russian Federation on economical and scientific technical cooperation. After the discussions, President Ivan Gašparovič expressed his satisfaction that President Putin was pleased with the course and results of his official visit to the Slovak Republic in addition to the results of the Putin-Bush summit. President Ivan Gašparovič and President Vladimir Putin confirmed their mutual interest in strengthening economic cooperation and its intensification in the areas of culture, science and education. President Putin also invited President Gašparovič to Moscow for the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. He also promised the participation of a representative of the Russian Federation at the celebrations of the anniversary of the liberation of Bratislava. Other themes addressed during the discussions included economic issues, energy supplies to the SR and the development of regional cooperation. Both partners also discussed issues related to cooperation between the EU and the Russian Federation. The EU accounts for more than 50% of the RF’s total trade. President Putin also spoke of the natural interest of both parties to protect their economic interests. The partners also discussed the status of NATO and the goals of the alliance in the past and today. Both presidents confirmed their interest in transparent cooperation in this area. President Ivan Gašparovič stated that the Slovak Republic recognises the status of the Russian Federation in world politics and its potential in the energy and military sectors.
President Putin thanked President Gašparovič for his cordial reception in Bratislava and correct standpoint towards his country. He expressed his satisfaction with the atmosphere and results of the discussions. He declared Slovakia to be a serious and important partner with regard to intensive political, economic and social dialogue, whose strengthening was further confirmed by the current bilateral discussions. President Putin declared one of the main themes to have been the development of economic cooperation. He expressed his satisfaction with the increase in reciprocal trade and his interest in increasing the effectiveness of the quality of bilateral relationships, which will be assisted by the agreement signed today. As priority areas for cooperation, he cited the energy sector, metallurgy, the chemical industry, the development of cooperation in the military area and in the development of regional cooperation. The Russian Federation is interested in the development of cultural, scientific and educational cooperation as well as closer relations between the citizens of the two countries as exemplified by the planned Days of Russian Culture to be held in Slovakia. In his address, President Putin also spoke of the preparations for the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and emphasised the need to remember the events of the war in order that mankind could avoid new threats. He stated that terrorism was one such threat and, in this regard, Vladimir Putin expressed his gratitude to the Slovak Republic for its moral and political support of Russia in the fight against international terrorism. President Putin also stated that the theme of the discussions had been the European and global situation and he praised the balanced approach of the Slovak Republic to European and global problems. President Putin expressed his appreciation of the fact that despite membership of the NATO and the EU, the Slovak Republic was also endeavouring to ensure harmonious relationships with the Russian Federation.
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