Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2011 | First Lady celebrates a big anniversary
On 13th January 2011 celebrated the First Lady of Slovakia Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová her big anniversary. Among the first well-wishers were her husband – President Ivan Gašparovič and staff of the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic. "You started a job you have never done before and used your enthusiasm, your ideas, your opinions on such things, which are very important," said in his speech Head of the Office of the President Milan Čič.
The greatest gift of their common family life are children and the marriage offer. "I think it is the greatest gift for us both because it is the greatest joy, what a person can experience," said the First Lady.
 And which period in her life the First Lady likes the most to mention? As stated, these include her childhood and student years.
Alongside the President Ivan Gašparovič, in addition to representative duties she activly devotes herself to helping those most in need – through the Slovak Foundation of Silvia Gašparovičová – Education and Health for Everybody. As she says "it is difficult to help everyone. With the partners of the foundation I do everything that I can to contribute to a better life of groups of people through my foundation’s projects." The First Lady told that in the future she will continue helping others. "I prefer to praise with acts, deeds, less by talking about it, but I want to help many groups of people. That are especially handicapped children, I assist the health care and battered women," said Silvia Gašparovičová.
First Lady of Slovakia during the six years in her position took over the patronage of many events and projects, particularly in the field of charity, health and education. She is the holder of prestigious awards, four international awards and the honorary president of the Slovak Red Cross and the TOP Centre of Entrepreneurs.
Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová´s motto is: "Handing out joy and help others you will enjoy more than anything else." Among the three "best" ones are family, work and good feeling at the end of the day. |