
Year 2005

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The USA Ambassador Presented his Letters of Credence to the President of the Slovak Republic

The USA Ambassador Presented his Letters of Credence to the President of the Slovak Republic

August 23, 2005

Rodolphe Meaker Vallee, the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA to the Slovak Republic presented his letters of credence to the President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič. During the ceremony the President of the Slovak Republic stressed the high level of the Slovak-American relations. In addition, he expressed his belief that the new Ambassador of the USA would manage to follow up the excellent cooperation established by his predecessor Ronald Weiser. Moreover, he emphasised the fact that Slovakia successfully completed its integration efforts last year and took up a stable position in the Transatlantic and European political, security and economic structures also thanks to the considerable support by the USA in the accession processes of NATO and USA. Then he pointed out that the Slovak Republic had become now a trustworthy partner enjoying high international credits, which was also shown by organizing the Bush-Putin Summit in Bratislava. Talking to the new USA Ambassador to Slovakia, President Ivan Gašparovič recalled Slovakia’s interest not only to take advantage of being a member of NATO and EU but also to be a fully-fledged contributor to meeting objectives of these structures. The President of the Slovak Republic also declared the interest of Slovakia in intensifying the mutual dialogue at the government level and between the parliaments, NGOs and citizens of both countries. Finally, President Ivan Gašparovič wished the new Ambassador a lot of success in his both professional and private lives, and assured him about the readiness of the Slovak constitutional officials and institutions to help him fulfil resolutions linked to his mission to Slovakia. The President of the Slovak Republic also expressed his pleasures that in addition to professional working duties, they have in common their interests in motor sport and ice hockey.
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