Prezident SR - Foto archív Slovak President Holds Talks with Chairwoman of Czech Parliament´s Chamber of Deputies

Slovak President Holds Talks with Chairwoman of Czech Parliament´s Chamber of Deputies

Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič received Miroslava Němcová, Chairwoman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, in the Presidential Palace. Both representatives noted there was a high level of cooperation between the two countries. Frequent meetings between Czech and Slovak representatives are proof that bilateral relations are very close and friendly. On that regard, Miroslava Němcová said: “What is most important, our relations with the Slovak Republic are not troubled by any doubts”. Ivan Gašparovič thanked Němcová for her country’s exceptional care for the Slovak minority.

The talks between Ivan Gašparovič and Miroslava Němcová revolved around the situation in the Slovak and Czech political arena. They noted that both governments faced difficult reforms with an increasing impact on the political situation.

Both politicians also touched on the issue of crisis in the euro area and discussed the prospects of the European Union. Mr Gašparovič reiterated Slovakia’s supportive stance regarding a limited Lisbon Treaty change aimed at allowing the formal establishment of the European Stability Mechanism. In this context, Slovakia welcomes the consensus forged by euro area finance ministers at their meeting in March, which in turn was formally confirmed by the European Council.

Slovak President was also keen to know the Czech Republic’s position on the European Stability Mechanism and how Němcová saw the role of national parliaments, as reinforced by the Lisbon Treaty, in decision-making at the European Union level. They also exchanged their views about what the national parliaments could and should do to overcome the as yet latent “crisis of European values”.