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Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič Evaluates the EU Summit in Vilnius

President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič attended the two-day Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. The agenda included talks on the continued cooperation between the European Union and the countries of the Eastern Partnership and the overall EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood Policy.

One of the outcomes of the summit was a decision to initiate association agreements between the EU and two former Soviet republics, Georgia and Moldova. The agreements should officially be signed about a year from now. The EU also signed a visa related agreement with Azerbaijan. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych once again defended his country’s decision to back out from the signing of the association agreement with the EU.

In response to the Ukraine’s position and the overall conclusions of the summit, Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič said: “I am sure the summit was not a disappointment; we met and assessed the existing situation and future prospects. As far as Ukraine is concerned, its position is rather disappointing because quite a lot of political efforts have already been invested here. We expected Ukraine to sign the agreement.”

Speaking after the summit, Ivan Gašparovič said Ukrainian President had requested some time for Ukraine to resume negotiations on the Association Agreement with the EU.
“This is not the result we expected from this cooperation but, on the other hand, two agreements were signed with Moldova and Georgia, proving that the cooperation under the EU’s Eastern Partnership will continue,” the Slovak President added with respect to the summit outcomes.

As regards the EU’s attractiveness and constraints compared to the Russian Federation, Ivan Gašparovič noted that “the EU has its own rules and conditions which anyone that wants to join have to meet. I firmly believe that the EU is a community that benefits Europe and provides greater opportunities; be it in the area of economic cooperation, human rights, as well as in other aspects.”