Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2011 | Presidential couple received representatives of the Association of Towns and Villages
On 12 January 2011, President Ivan Gašparovič and his spouse Silvia Gašparovičová met in the Presidential Palace in Bratislava with representatives and members of the Association of Towns and Villages of Slovakia. About 120 mayors welcomed the presidential couple at the occasion of the traditional New Year meeting.
 Ivan Gašparovič congratulated the new elected and re-elected mayors, and also thanked them for their professional management of the parliamentary and municipal elections. In his speech he also highlighted many problems that government is struggling with – particularly the deficiencies in the construction proceedings, unsolved problems in management of education, the cumbersome implementation of public administration but also in health care at the level of municipalities and counties.
 President of the Association of Towns and Villages of Slovakia Michal Sýkora stated that the meeting with the head of state has become a tradition, which neither has become an everyday meeting. He wished everybody that the new year 2011 should bring the experience and knowledge enabling him to become even more kind, more apprehensive and smarter people in personal as well as professional life. |