Prezident SR - Foto archív The President of the Slovak Republic, Ivan Gašparovič, received the OECD Secretary General, Angel Gurría

The President of the Slovak Republic, Ivan Gašparovič, received the OECD Secretary General, Angel Gurría

The OECD Secretary General presented to President Gašparovič the latest report on Slovakia.

The OECD appreciates Slovakia’s economic progress; at the same time, it describes the challenges ahead of the country following its accession to the EU in relation to the Eurozone. Secretary General Gurría informed the President that the world is paying close attention to developments in Slovakia after its recent change in government.

 The President expressed his appreciation to the Secretary General’s contribution to the fostering of mutual relations between Slovakia and OECD. He noted that during its short period of existence, the Slovak Republic has proven that it is a respected democracy and, as UN Security Council member, it is currently one of the countries deciding significant world policy problems.

According to the President, Slovakia did not embark on the reform path just to gain EU membership, but primarily out of necessity driven by the transformation of its economy and the system as a whole. As maintained by President Gašparovič, Slovakia is on the right path of economic development, decreasing its unemployment rate and stabilizing its social environment. The President views regional disparities as the country’s most difficult problem to tackle. He also assured the Secretary General that the Slovak Republic is prepared to meet the Maastricht criteria for entering the Eurozone in January 2009.

 Ivan Gašparovič emphasised that Slovakia appreciates its membership in the OECD, as it is able to utilise the recommendations and experience of this organisation at a time of changes in the globalising world.