Prezident SR - Foto archív Slovak President Meets EP President

Slovak President Meets EP President

The Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič welcomed Jerzy Buzek, the President of the European Parliament, who visited Slovakia on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, in the Presidential Palace.

Jerzy Buzek underlined the significance of November 1989 events and said: “I hold those who fought for freedom and democracy in great respect.”
Slovakia’s highest representative said that “our mutual Slovak-Polish relationship is intensive and based on spontaneous, natural and friendly relations.”
Both officials also discussed the Lisbon Treaty and energy security issues. The Slovak President said Slovakia appreciated the completion of the Lisbon Treaty ratification process following its signature by the Czech President Vaclav Klaus.

Both partners also discussed issues concerning the functioning of the EU, with President Gašparovič saying that “the European Union starts relying on exemptions, and that is not good.”
Jerzy Buzek congratulated Slovakia on its successful entry into the euro area and credited it for being “a key member of the Visegrad Four group.”

Both officials also intensively discussed energy security and Ivan Gašparovič stressed that Slovakia considered this issue to be extremely important. The Slovak President emphasised the significance of this topic, saying that preventing the possible consequences of gas crises was in the interest of the people. “Within the Union, energy security must be given a higher priority,” Ivan Gašparovič said.