Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2006 | Conference titled "Equal Opportunities for Handicapped Citizens, and Social Partnership for Monitoring and Eliminating Discriminatory Barriers on the Labour Market"
On Tuesday, 5 September 2006, Silvia Gašparovičová together with Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Dušan Čaplovič opened the programme of the conference titled „Equal Opportunities for Handicapped Citizens, and Social Partnership for Monitoring and Eliminating Discriminatory Barriers on the Labour Market“.
 Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová greeted the conference participants and emphasized the importance and topicality of the theme dealing with equal opportunities for handicapped citizens.
„In today’s market economy employers selecting employees take into account the highest possible performance in given profession, and so they naturally prefer healthy job applicants. Then they do not incur any extra costs of special measures they would have to take so that also handicapped persons could perform given work. I believe that also people with various handicaps can succeed in various job positions when suitable working places are selected and needed adjustments are made. It is not the best solution to punish employers by various penalties when they do not employ a handicapped person. On the contrary, by various tax relieves they should be motivated to creatse job positions for the handicapped,” said in her address the First Lady. |