Prezident SR - Foto archív President of the Slovak Republic Received the Foreign Minister of Mexico

President of the Slovak Republic Received the Foreign Minister of Mexico

President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič received Foreign Minister of the United States of Mexico Patricia Cantellan.

The President used the occasion to congratulate Mrs. Cantellan, who had been the Ambassador of Mexico to the Slovak Republic before, on her new function. He also appreciated the recent intensification of the relations of both countries. Last year, Slovakia was visited by the then Mexican President, Vincente Fox, and the Slovak President underlined that during his visit a number of interstate treaties had been signed. Following the achieved agreements, an interstate governmental commission should meet in the near future, which should significantly contribute to more effective bilateral relations.

During their meeting, President Ivan Gašparovič pointed out that Slovakia would welcome opening a residential embassy of Mexico with its seat in Bratislava. He declared for a closer bilateral cooperation between the two countries through the cooperation in culture and tourism. Currently, a reciprocal visit of the President of the Slovak Republic to Mexico is being prepared. President Ivan Gašparovič underlined also the fact that the convergence of both nations is supported also by the Agreement between Mexico and the European Union. As for the economic aspects of the mutual relations, President Ivan Gašparovič expressed his support for the openness of the Slovak economy to investments from Mexico. In addition, he was interested in relations of Mexico with other states of Latin America.

Minister Patricia Cantellan remarked that in her position she would always remain “a friend of Slovakia”. She also spoke for more dynamic economic relations between the two countries. Finally, she confirmed the preparation of the upcoming meeting of the Slovak-Mexican governmental commission.