Prezident SR - Foto archív Vietnamese President Pays Official Visit to Slovakia

Vietnamese President Pays Official Visit to Slovakia

The President of Vietnam Nguyen Minh Triet signed three international treaties while on his official visit to Slovakia.

After the bilateral talks, Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič said he was glad to see Slovakia reopen its diplomatic mission in Vietnam. “I am very glad that we will soon be opening Vietnam’s diplomatic mission here in Bratislava,” the Slovak President said.

He noted that meetings among top officials serve the good of all countries. “It is a positive sign for businesspeople and for the development of cultural exchange and friendship among the nations.” Vietnam considers Slovakia a traditional partner and is interested in encouraging cooperation in various sectors of industry. Specifically, Slovak investments are welcome in the sectors of power plant construction, civil engineering and the construction of roads.

The Vietnamese President said his country wished to see the EU acknowledge Vietnam’s openness and market economy. He asked Mr. President Gašparovič to forward his request for lifting the import duty on shoes from Vietnam to the EU. Mr Triet also recalled the importance of cultural cooperation between both countries. “In the past, many Vietnamese studied in Slovakia and are now in top positions in the state administration. This is the precious bridge which connects us even now,” the Vietnamese President said.

During the talks Ivan Gašparovič appreciated the fact that the world deemed Vietnam “a politically stable country with considerable economic advancement.” He added that Slovakia, in its bilateral and multilateral relations, was intensively supporting a dialogue between the EU and Vietnam . “We are closely observing your economic and political activities in the region and within the ASEAN group,” the Slovak head of state said. “All those who studied in Slovakia can now help intensify our cooperation – all the more so that they hold important public posts at present. And this is the potential that can be tapped to our benefit,” the Slovak President said.

The talks also touched upon the protection of human rights. Both politicians agreed that the issue of human rights was a global question and that “every country must sort it out on its own”.