Prezident SR - Foto archív Address of President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič at the New-Year Meeting with Members of the Diplomatic Corps Bratislava, Presidential Palace

Address of President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič at the New-Year Meeting with Members of the Diplomatic Corps Bratislava, Presidential Palace

Your Eminence Papal Nuncio, the Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps,
Your Excellencies,
Mr. Foreign Minister,
Ladies and Gentlemen:

When a new year is coming, we always try to contemplate what will be needed to be done for the benefit of our families, for the benefit of our nations. In our contemplations, we are sometimes likely to forget about the whole surrounding world. If I were to take a think, reflecting the globalization and some needs, then I would come to conclusion that the humankind, everybody of us, needs in particular common efforts to fight terrorism, as well as common efforts to preserve our nature, and to establish new ecological programmes. Moreover, we may not forget that even in 2007 the world still faces famine.

Preservation of the nature means also the preservation of us. In 2007, Slovakia wants to confirm all the principles on which it builds its statehood.

I am very much pleased that in the past year the suggestions and prognoses sounded at the elections, regarding some issues Slovakia would not be able to solve to meet the common interests of its neighbours and the other world, simply did not turn into reality. There is just a need of a real discussion. Already ancient Greek philosophers said that principles cannot be changed. Principles can only be fulfilled. I should probably mention all the examples of success Slovakia has achieved in its short, not even 15-year existence. Your Excellencies, I am more than pleased that I do not need to mention them here. I am convinced, and your work you perform in Slovakia shows it clearly, that you understand that the road of Slovakia to its future is the road on which Slovakia needs also you. On today’s occasion I would like to thank you for your support.

The world policy is like a watchwork. And in this watchwork, you are the cogwheels. By your information, experience and knowledge you are able to inform, which also means to direct your countries in good or not good relations of particular states and foreign policy. I want to thank you for all positives and for your support that has also contributed to the fact that today Slovakia is a transparent and visible country, fitting well into the large family of democratic states. I believe this is not the right place now to talk in this sense about all the activities. Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I only want to thank you now and wish you every success in your work, but also to make you sure that I will always be ready to solve any problems that may occur in a transparent and visible way. This is to say that the Presidential Palace is open to each of you anytime.

Together with my wife I wish you and your families a lot of happiness, health, energy for your work and God’s blessing.