Prezident SR - Foto archív Meeting of Slovak and Polish Presidents in Cross-border Region

Meeting of Slovak and Polish Presidents in Cross-border Region

Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič and Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski informally met in the Upper Orava, a Slovak-Polish cross-border region. On the Polish side, both Presidents started the 4th year of the “Stopa bez hraníc” (Trail without Frontiers) cross-country skiing competition and awarded winners in the finish on the Slovak side. The race, from Witów in Poland to Oravice in Slovakia, was held under the auspices of the Slovak President. At their working meeting, Presidents Gašparovič and Komorowski discussed a number of most current issues concerning bilateral relations between Slovakia and Poland, cross-border cooperation, improvements in communications and energy transport interconnections, as well as developments in a wider European region. Special attention was given to the preparations of a NATO summit to be held this May in Chicago, at which they will head their respective national delegations, a V4 Group presidential summit in the Tatras in Slovakia, and the upcoming Polish presidency of the Visegrad Group.