Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová

Gardenparty 2007

Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2007 | Gardenparty 2007

On friday – June 8, and saturday – June 9, 2007 took place in the facilities of Grassalkovich – garden of the President´s palace the sixth annual Gardenparty, which was hold in the ambience of solidarity, humanity and children´s joy. It´s the third time the Slovak Foundation of Silvia Gašparovičová – Education and Health for Everybody became a partner of the non-formal association of Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Slovakia (it unites the chambers of commerce of Denmark, France, Netherlands, Israel, Ireland, Canada, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, USA, Great Britain and multiple arabic countries) by organisation of this undertaking, whose main aim was the aid for sight befallen children. The co-organisator of the Gardenparty was (like the last year) the city part Bratislava – Old town.

Gardenparty 2007

This undertaking included two parts. The evening part on friday was designed for delegates of the political area, entrepreneurial sphere and various representatives of diplomacy. The children´s part on saturday was dedicated to the celebration of the International children´s day. It welcomed many children and adults with a lively show as well as an attractive refreshment. The ambition of the organisators was to involve children of different nationalities to the games; whether it are children healthy, handicapped or from children´s homes. The auspice for the children´s part was hold by Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová, which also personally visited this nice happening. After her speech to the public she felt so good with the children that she stayed with them till the end. With her husband she signed patient the photos for all interested persons.

Gardenparty 2007

The evening part was characterised by smooth atmosphere swapped by the songs of Sisa Sklovska – she sang without payment requirements. The auspice for this part was hold by the President of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Ivan Gašparovič, who personally visited this part with his spouse. The cardinal moment of this part was a charitable auction witty moderated by Adela and Sajfa. The gain will be spend for charitable aims appointed in advance.

Gardenparty 2007

Eighteen highly interesting and valuable charges were bid. The most interesting was the photography of Mr. Karol Kálaly authentically signed by him that was bid for 30.000,- SKK. The whole gain of the charitable auction in the amount of 221.500,- SKK will be used by the Slovak Foundation of Silvia Gašparovičová – Education and Health for Everybody to help health handicapped and blind childern that are in the centre of her considearation this year.

Gardenparty 2007

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