Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová

Businesswoman of Slovakia 2009

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On 30 November 2009 in the Arena Theater in Bratislava were given the prices for successful slovak entrepreneurs. 10th jubilee contest ´Businesswoman of Slovakia 2009´ was held again under the auspices of the First Lady Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová. This year’s winner in the category Outstanding Entrepreneur became Mrs. Jana Ďuríková from Opatovská Nová Ves, who is devoted for several years to the manufacture and sale of vine plants, wine and agrotourism. She got the award personally from the First Lady. "Job loss or inability to employ oneself after maternity leave are among the possible causes that lead women to go the business route. In Slovakia, in opposite to the past, a more favorable environment for business women was created, although they are still much less businesswomen than men. They have courageous business plans, but their implementation is unnecessarily at the safe side and they act cautiously. It is interesting that women entrepreneurs are now put into different business sectors, which are usually made only to men," she said in her speech.

Businesswoman of Slovakia 2009

Mrs. Gašparovičová thanked organizers – the National Agency for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises, Top Center of Entrepreneurs and other professional associations – for the fact that through this event the public can learn about successful women entrepreneurs. First Lady wished all entrepreneurs much more success in their work.

Businesswoman of Slovakia 2009

The competition ´Businesswoman of Slovakia 2009´ involved this year 56% women from Western Slovakia, 20% of entrepreneurs were enrolled in Eastern Slovakia and 24% were from Central Slovakia. The most common area of their business is the account management and retail.

Businesswoman of Slovakia 2009

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