Prezident SR - Foto archív Trilateral Presidential Meeting in Wisla

Trilateral Presidential Meeting in Wisla

Presidents of three European countries, Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič, Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, met on 21 February 2012 in Wisla, Poland.

The key topic on the agenda of this trilateral meeting was the support to Ukraine in its EU integration efforts.

The presidents met only a few days ahead of the EU-Ukraine summit due on 25 February in Brussels.

The Slovak and Polish presidents expressed their firm belief that Ukraine would manage to comply with the challenging accession criteria. Ukraine is expected to sign an EU association agreement at the Eastern Partnership summit scheduled to take place on 28-29 November 2013 in Vilnius.

Both presidents agreed that the Wisla meeting will be “a positive signal for the Brussels summit”.
“We would be very glad if the EU-Ukraine association agreement was signed because we are aware that if the agreement fails it will result in the freezing of negotiations and Ukraine’s road to integration will become considerably longer,”
Ivan Gašparovič said afterwards. He added he had met with his Polish and Ukraine counterparts on more than one occasion to promote and facilitate good neighbourly cooperation. “We are neighbours and we care to see our mutual relations increasingly improve,” the Slovak President said at the end of the trilateral presidential meeting.