Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2012 | Slovak Woman of the Year 2012, 20. 2. 2012
For the 4th time on 20 February 2012 the magazine Slovenka in cooperation with the Radio and Television of Slovakia and the Slovak National Theatre is organizing the inquiry Slovak Woman of the Year 2012. Philosophy of this inquiry is to present slovak ladies who are successful and unique in their profession. First Lady of Slovakia, who took the auspice over the project, is pleased that the inquiry has found a stable place for many readers and viewers. "Through the survey Slovak Woman of the Year I meet interesting stories of working women who are not afraid to seize the chance. For your exceptional work you deserve a big thanks because your success is a benefit to us all."
 Among the nominated ladies appeared publicly well known, but also lesser-known ladies. "Each one of them has demonstrated her commitment to the work activity and each of them deserved her position due to her own hard work and diligence," said director of the company Star production Mária Reháková.
The public will be able to decide on the successful ladies in eight categories, namely: Art and Culture, Media and Communication, Science and Research, Healthcare, Business and Management, Sport, Charity, Education and Promotion of Young Talents (this is a new category this year). Nominees:
1. Art and Culture:
- prof. Mgr. art. Božidara Turzonovová – Slovak National Theatre / Theater
- Mgr. art. Nora Gallovičová – Slovak National Theatre / Ballet
- Eva Jenisová – opera singer
2. Media and Communication:
- PhDr. Táňa Kusá – Slovak Radio, RTVS
- Marta Gajdošíková – Slovak Television, RTVS
- Mgr. Oľga Dúbravská – TV Markíza
3. Science and Research:
- doc. MUDr. Daniela Ostatníková, PhD. – Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University
- doc. RNDr. Katarína Mikušová, PhD. – Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University
- MUDr. Ljuba Bachárová, DrSc., MBA – International Laser Center
4. Health:
- MUDr. Jana Rosochová – National Transfusion Service Slovakia
- doc. RNDr. Magdaléna Fulmeková, CSc. – University Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University
- Dr.h.c. prof. PhDr. Dana Farkašová, PhD. – Slovak Medical University
5. Business and Management:
- Mgr. Elena Petrášková, LL.M – U.S. STEEL Košice, s. r. o.
- Ing. Marta Žiaková, CSc. – Office of Nuclear Regulatory of the SR
- Natália Bugyi Vicsápiová – entrepreneur, NAVI GRAF, s.r.o.
- Ing. Edita Szabóová – Mary Kay Slovakia
6. Sport:
- Jana Dukátová – Slovak Association of Whitewater Canoeing
- Jana Purdjaková – VŠC DUKLA Banská Bystrica
- Hana Kolníková – paraolympics, athletics
7. Charity and Promotion of Young Talents:
- Mgr. Eva Černá – Hlavný stan nádeje n.f.
- Ivana Christová – Orin Panacea
- Ing. Mária Štubňová – Society for the Help of People with Autism
8. Education and Promotion of Young Talents:
- Mgr. Martina Slabejová, PhD. – Microsoft Slovakia
- Mgr. art. Ľubica Mešková – University ensemble Technik STU
- Mgr. Ľubica Jägrová – Elementary Boarding School and Kindergarten for Children and Pupils with Hearing Impairments, Drotárska cesta, Bratislava