Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2007 | 14th Summit of middle european countries in Brno, 24-26th May 2007
In Brno met presidents of 15 countries located in Middle Europe at the 14th summit. Summit´s atmosphere was traditionally non-formal without receiving iniciatives and signing mandatory documents. Oficially 2 themes were proposed for plenary meetings, exchange of views and discussions: „Middle Europe – actual problems and challenges in the future“ and „Middle Europe in the European Union“.
 Despite the fact that the czech president Václav Klaus and his spouse Livia invited also all spouses of presidents to this meeting, only 4 First Ladies and 1 daughter of the presidential couple came to Brno. Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová used the meeting with Mrs. Klausová, Mrs. Kaczyńska and Mrs. Radmanovičová for informing them about her charity projects aimed at helping victims of domestic violence, education system of all people – especially of handicapped and social weaker groups etc. All together visited the Faculty of Arts for Hearing Impaired Students at the Janáček Music Arts Academy and could see the scenic programme of its students. Mrs. Gašparovičová was delighted by the success of slovak students and thanked them for giving their craftsmanship and knowledge to hearing impaired children in kindergardens and primary schools. She personally also pays many attention to them in her foundation Education and Health for Everybody.

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