Prezident SR - Foto archív President of the Slovak Republic Receives Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi

President of the Slovak Republic Receives Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi

Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič received Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi. During the discussion both partners expressed their appreciation for the high quality of bilateral relations.

President Ivan Gašparovič also highlighted a growing tendency in the area of economic cooperation between Slovakia and Italy, as proven by the increasing volume of bilateral trade and Italian investments in Slovakia. In terms of foreign policy, the partners agreed on the need to strengthen cooperation in international organisations such as the UN, the EU and NATO.

They also noted several common interests in the energy sector, matters regarding the European Constitutional Treaty, as well as issues related to the accession of the Slovak Republic to the Schengen area. In the context of the European Constitutional Treaty, President Ivan Gašparovič pointed out the need to address the relationship between the European Parliament and the national parliaments. Regarding the issue of Slovakia’s accession to the Eurozone, the Slovak President declared the decision of his country to join as of 1 January 2009. However, according to the head of state, the Government must have an analysis of the impacts of the common European currency on the state’s economy and population prepared beforehand. Romano Prodi appreciated Slovakia’s readiness to adopt the euro and expressed his belief that the date of its accession to the Eurozone will be met.

The partners also discussed the future status of Kosovo. In the opinion of President Gašparovič, Ahtisaari’s plan is no longer up-to-date and, even if supported by the majority of the UN Security Council, it would most likely face a reluctant Russia. Regarding the final decision on the status of Kosovo, Romano Prodi said that Italy, like Slovakia, will support the common opinion of the EU.