Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2008 | Reunion with Mrs. Mimi Danihel
Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová welcomed again on 21st January 2008 Mrs. Mimi Danihel in the President´s palace. Mrs. Danihel comes from the U.S. and is an important supporter of several chartitative and medicine projects in Slovakia. From the financial gift of Leo and Mimi Danihel e.g. medicine equipment at the intensive-care unit for the smallest children of the Children´s Cardiocenter at Limbová-street in Bratislava was buyed.
![Opätovné prijatie Mimi Danihel](../swift_data/source/foto_archiv/foto_prezidenta/prva_dama/foto_371.jpg) Aim of the cordially meeting was to find new cooperation possibilities to help people who need it the most. Mrs. Danihel was also welcomed by the president of the Slovak Republic Mr. Ivan Gašparovič. |