Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2010 | 12th year of "Slovak housewife" in Budapest
Already the of 12th annual meeting of Slovak countrywomen in Hungary took place on 20th March 2010 at the Slovak Embassy in Budapest. The event, entitled "Slovak housewife", visited again the First Lady Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová and the President of the Office for Slovaks Living Abroad Mrs. Vilma Prívarová.
![12th year of](../swift_data/source/foto_archiv/foto_prezidenta/prva_dama/foto_711.jpg) Slovak countrywoman could also admire the colorful costumes of God-mothers from Detva who with their songs and dances created an excellent atmosphere. The tables were full of tender cakes and pastry. The jury, however, had a hard job because it wasn´t easy to decide about which one is best - all the cakes and pies were excellent.
![12th year of](../swift_data/source/foto_archiv/foto_prezidenta/prva_dama/foto_712.jpg) Part of the event was a forum called ´Teacher - Mother - Slovak´. During the debate, it especially resonated difficulties with teaching of Slovak language in ethnic Slovak schools in Hungary. The meeting also highlighted the increased interest of Slovakia for their countrymen in Hungary. A positive evaluation was done especially for summer camps for countrymen youth in Slovakia. In 2009 there participated 304 children.
The event "Slovak housewife" is a meeting of national Slovak women living in Hungary with women – representatives of public, social and cultural life in Slovakia. All participants agreed in one – in a year they want to meet at the"Slovak housewife" again. |