Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2006 | Silvia Gašparovičová Presented an Instrument to the National Oncological Institute
On Thursday, 16 March 2006, President of the Education and Health for Everybody Foundation Silvia Gašparovičová together with Mimi Danihel presented a gift to the National Oncological Institute in Bratislava. The gift is special ancillary equipment to the medical instrument to freeze liver metastases, ERBE Cryo C 6, which is already used in the National Oncological Institute.
Financial resources amounting to SKK 6 mil. were granted by the widow of the former Chairman of the World Congress of Slovaks, Mrs. Mimi Danihel, through the Foundation of Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová which purchased the equipment for the National Oncological Institute. The special ancillary equipment, officially handed over to the Institute, will enable to treat a larger spectrum of patients within the diagnostic of liver cancer, as it can be applied at the initial stage of the disease when the metastases are still very small and they cannot be operated by the instrument itself.

„I am really very happy that we together managed to implement this unique project, and thus to place the Slovak Republic to a prominent position of the ranking regarding the treatment of liver cancer. I want to use this occasion to thank Mrs. Mimi Danihel on behalf of the Foundation and the Institute as well as all patients to be treated in the future. I wish the National Oncological Institute, its physicians and all the staff that they succeed in using this gift to return health to as many patients as possible,” said in her address Silvia Gašparovičová.
Mr. Tomáš Haško, Director of the National Oncological Institute, thanked for this generous gift on behalf of the National Oncological Institute and all the patients. The official handover was attended also by Ambassador of the USA to the Slovak Republic H. E. Rodolphe M. Wallee with his wife.

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