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Ceremonial Presentation of Book by President Ivan Gašparovič

Ceremonial Presentation of Book by President Ivan Gašparovič

May 2, 2006

In the Presidential Palace in Bratislava, an official presentation of the book titled My Thoughts Are for the Nation, My Feelings for the Social Issues written by President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič was held.

The book contains political reflections of President Ivan Gašparovič on the strategic direction of the Slovak Republic, as well as texts on importance of the democracy and a legally consistent state, on key tasks of education, learning; reflections on processes and limits of globalization, considerations of social and moral climate, or trajectories of the further movement of the Slovak Republic in the context of Europe’s struggle for a new form of state of rule. In his address, President Ivan Gašparovič pointed out the idea of a man who lives his presence between the past and the future. “This man needs to look for answers to a number of questions put also by this book.” President Ivan Gašparovič expressed his hope that the answers would be found among its readers at the meetings with whom a number of inspirations for this book were born.

The ceremonial presentation of the book was attended also by the First Lady, Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová, ex-President Michal Kováč, President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Štefan Luby, President of the Slovak Rectors Conference Vladimír Báleš, writer Ladislav Ťažký, and many other guests. Matica slovenská, which published the book, was represented by its senior official Miroslav Bielik. In his speech given on behalf of Matica slovenská, he emphasized the aspects of modern statehood presented also by the book by Ivan Gašparovič.

 These are the aspects with which also our oldest cultural institution, Matica slovenská, identifies itself. On behalf of the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic, the book was officially presented by the Head of the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic, Professor Milan Čič. In his address he underlined, in particular, the shift of Ivan Gašparovič’s motto: My thoughts are for the nation, my feeling for the social issues,” which the President has extended over the past two years by civil, patriotic and European thinking, by specification of dignified life conditions of citizens, by a healthy development of the nation, children, the young, and also by a care of a new system of science and education as well as by a freedom of thinking and religion; by life conditions of happy, successful people of the Slovak society.” Further, Head of the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic Milan Čič mentioned that the presented book is an analytical-synthetic book which is a result of methodology typical for its approach of critical thinking of the society without any intention of being critical from a position of ideological and party theorization, or promotion of merely personal opinions. “What was the origin of this book? It was born already at the time of the President’s inauguration speech. In the train of it, practically a clear need of saying something more appeared. To add something more detailed, more topical, connected with the new historical facts that had taken place before our joining the EU and NATO. The book does not evade, either, globalization processes with their possible consequences. In fact, the book is a result of discussions with citizens, specialists for sociology, economy, statehood and law. It is based on the experience with the development of our political and economic situation. Nevertheless, the author of the book does not make any claims to any universal theory of politics, statehood or economy. He simply comes with his opinions knowing that he cannot pleased everybody or everything. The book wants to inspire, to be healthily provoking, and maybe a bit tickling.
The book is actually a picture of author’s thinking, of his intellect, feelings, his moral qualities, his level of rationality, a critical view of a man and the society. But it also represents a search for methods, means and solutions to achieve a higher level of moral, legal, constitutional, economic, social and spiritual prosperity of a healthy society,
” said in his speech Head of the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic Milan Čič at the ceremonial introduction of the book by President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič.

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