Prezident SR - Foto archív President of the Slovak Republic Receives the President of the National Council of the Principality of Monaco

President of the Slovak Republic Receives the President of the National Council of the Principality of Monaco

The Slovak President, Ivan Gašparovič received the President of the National Council of the Principality of Monaco, Stéphane Valeri. This is the first official visit of the President of the National Council of Monaco to Slovakia in its history.

The Slovak president also praised the quality of the relations between Slovakia and Monaco. The relations were strengthened by official visits of the Slovak president to Monaco in 2002 as well as by visits of Prince Albert II to Slovakia in 2006.

During the meeting, Mr. Gašparovič declared an interest in intensifying the mutual relations with Monaco, particularly in the area of the economy. Slovakia is interested in the investment inflow from Monaco businessmen in the areas of tourism, the spa industry and services, as well as several other industries. The guest from Monaco confirmed that his country was particularly interested in cooperation in the spa industry.

President Gašparovič praised the positive cooperation of Slovakia and Monaco in international organisations, especially in the UN and the Council of Europe. He also expressed his gratitude to the government of Monaco for the support of Slovakia’s candidature into the United Nations Human Rights Council, to which the Slovak Republic was elected in May 2008.

The Slovak president informed Mr. Valeri of Slovakia’s decision to support Monaco’s candidature to the Executive Board of UNESCO. Gašparovič declared other possibilities for cooperation which emerged from the International Organisation of La Francophonie. In 2002, Slovakia became its observer, thanks to the support of Monaco.