Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2007 | Short visit of the President of Poland with his spouse
Tatranská Javorina became on December 3, 2007 the one-day-meeting place of the presidents of Poland (Lech Kaczyńsky) and Slovakia (Ivan Gašparovič) with their spouses. The Polish came for a short work visit to Slovakia.
After a warm welcoming and visiting of Hunting logde followed tête-à-tête discussions of both couples. Talking points were especially questions linked with the Schengen-accession, interboundary co-operation and utilization of european structure funds for their support. The First ladies discussed especially the support of several projects aimed at education and health of both nationals.
![Pracovná návšteva poľského prezidenta s manželkou](../swift_data/source/foto_archiv/foto_prezidenta/prva_dama/foto_330.jpg) A festive lunch was followed by a meeting with the press and a nice walk through the surroundings of Tatranská Javorina. Both couples admired especially the nature and the view at Tatra covered with snow.
In the afternoon both presidential couples met in the House of Encountering of the Euro-region Tatry in Kežmarok the city representatives and representatives of the slovak-polish interboundary union. Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová and Mrs. Maria Kaczyńska visited in their programme the First Folk Academy in Kežmarok founded by Mrs. Gašparovičová. The academy is providing educational programmes aimed at rising of qualification followed by preparing of citizens with physical handicap as well as disabled or social weak groups in the eastern region for entrepreneuring. Educational programmes of the First Folk Academy helped already more than 100 people of this region to get employed.
![Pracovná návšteva poľského prezidenta s manželkou](../swift_data/source/foto_archiv/foto_prezidenta/prva_dama/foto_331.jpg) In the facilities of the academy was actually hold the „Project of education and preparing for entrepreneuring of deaf people from the Kežmarok-region“, in which 6 students were engaged – 4 of them had a handicap more than 70%. Both ladies congratulated the sucessful graduates of this 3-month-course and wished them strenght for their new jobs.
The evening was closed by an oficial dinner hold by the slovak president with his spouse at the honour of the polish president with his spouse in the Zbojnícka koliba („Bandit´s chalet“) in Stará Lesná. After the dinner the president Lech Kaczyńsky with his spouse Maria left the Slovak republic.