Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2006 | Henkel Slovakia for Slovakia
The slovak First Lady participated on 28th November 2006 at an exhibition that was organized as a part of the 7th year of the project „Henkel Slovakia for Slovakia“. The exhibition of the young slovak photographer Martin Trenkler, the first official slovak photographer of F1, is the confirmation that the charitative project of the company Henkel brings results. Supported are slovak culture and well-known slovak artists, as well as new talents and artists without money for a break.
 Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová thanked also for the support of her foundation Education and Health for Everybody that tries to help people in need with the help of companies likeHenkel, banks, but also individuals. „I would like to thank the company Henkel Slovakia for their systematic work in this area and for all charity work“, said the First Lady in her speech adressed to the representatives of the company, diplomatic corps, artists and other visitors.

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