Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2007 | A new partner for the project Life without Violence
The company MSC – SUZUKI SLOVENSKO is acting for a long period in several projects with a charitable character. For this reason the company decided to help the Slovak Foundation of Silvia Gašparovičová – Education and Health for Everybody in the project „Life without Violence“ through the lending of a car for the demands of the Crisis Centre for the victims of violence. This co-operation should continue also in the future.
 On 27 August 2008 in front of the settlement of the company in Apollo Business Centre at Prievozská-street in Bratislava took place the ceremonial disposal of the lended motor-car Suzuki Ignis. It will be used for the transport od the victims of violence – abused women – in Bratislava and in the West Slovak Region. As well as the foundation the managing director of MSC Suzuki Slovensko, Mr. Ľubomír Habala expressed together the belief of the necessity to handle problems of abused women and the need of eliminating this phenomenon in our society as soon as possible.

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