Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová

Painting competition "Health through Children’s Eyes" under Silvia Gašparovičová´s patronage

Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2005 | Painting competition "Health through Children’s Eyes" under Silvia Gašparovičová´s patronage

On 21 October 2005 Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová took part in an official opening of the exhibition of the Health through Children’s Eyes competition works. The competition had been announced on April 5, 2005 by the Public Health Bureau of the Slovak Republic on the occasion of the World Health Day. The program of the official exhibition opening included also presentation of awards to the winning young artist. The competition had been entered by almost one thousand children from the whole country. 

Výtvarná súťaž Zdravie očami detí pod záštitou Silvie Gašparovičovej

The First Lady congratulated everybody awarded, but also expressed her compliments to all those who had contributed to the competition by their works. At the same time she thanked the organizers of this remarkable painting competition for their efforts to call children’s attention to such an important issue as health. „They managed to achieve this by a rather unobtrusive and inspiring way – through artistic expression, which in my opinion is much more effective than holding boring lectures, or memorizing," added the First Lady.

Výtvarná súťaž Zdravie očami detí pod záštitou Silvie Gašparovičovej

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