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President of Syria Pays Official Visit to the Slovak Republic

The President of the Syrian Arab Republic, Bashar al-Asad, and his wife Asma al-Assad accepted Ivan Gašparovič’s invitation and paid an official visit to the Slovak Republic.

Ivan Gašparovič considers discussions with the Syrian President very objective. Amongst other issues the Presidents also talked about their opinions on matters concerning the Middle East. They also discussed the issue of further cooperation between Slovakia and Syria, especially in trade, economy, education, culture, science and tourism.

Bashar al-Assad expressed support for the establishment of an agency for the development of exports for both countries. Discussion revolved around the issue of the Middle East and the Syrian President appreciated the very realistic standpoint of the Slovak Republic, which promotes a peaceful solution and the resolutions of the UN Security Council.

With respect to the Middle East issue, Ivan Gašparovič said that the Slovak Republic, as an EU Member State, promoted an unambiguous establishment of two independent states. “Even President Bush promised that these would be established by the end of the last year. But this was not the case. I am convinced that the new American President will pursue this standpoint even more intensively,” Ivan Gašparovič said.

Bashar al-Assad supported the opinion of the Slovak President, as well as a broad discussion of all parties concerned, including the EU and USA. Bashar al-Assad stressed that it was impossible for the peace process in the Middle East to remain only at the level of ‘peace mottos’. It must promote a deeper and specific discussion.

The Syrian President highlighted the successful reform process in Slovakia which is, in his opinion, very inspiring for his country. At present Slovakia is an EU country with the most dynamic economic growth, and we will certainly make use of its experience,” Bashar al-Assad said.