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Slovakia Hosts 18th Central Europe Summit of Heads of States

Slovakia and its President Ivan Gašparovič are hosting the 18th Central Europe Summit of Heads of State which began today in Bratislava. The invitation of President Ivan Gašparovič has been accepted by Czech President Miloš Zeman, Slovenian President Borut Pahor, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Hercegovina Nebojša Radmanović, Albanian President Bujar Nishani, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić, Hungarian President János Áder, Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti, Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, Latvian President Andris Bērziņš, Polish President Bronisław Komorowski, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, Croatian President Ivo Josipović, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė, Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov, Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of Montenegro Filip Vujanović,

Romanian President Traian Băsescu, Austrian President Heinz Fischer, and Mrs Atifete Jahjaga of Kosovo.
The first day of the summit took place in the Reduta Concert Hall with the participation of President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy who addressed the gathering.
In his opening address, Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič welcomed the distinguished guests and express his gratitude for the possibility welcome the symbolic twenty highest representatives of the countries in the region. “It confirms that we want to be a part of the pan-European quest for a broader vision of positive changes for Europe.”

Ivan Gašparovič said the past two decades in the modern statehood of Slovakia had been a period of very dynamic developments and sweeping changes in both the domestic and European contexts. “We have successfully completed the process of our transition to democracy, rule of law and market economy. At the same time, Slovakia got firmly anchored in the European and Euro-Atlantic integration groupings. Within the eurozone, Slovakia belongs to the core group of those who advocate European integration and is taking an active part in designing the future shape of the Union,” the President said.

He went on saying that despite the existence of numerous regional groupings in central, south-eastern and eastern Europe, our summits were, in fact, the only presidential format which brings together, year by year, the highest representatives from the entire region, including EU member states, candidate countries and those who aspire for EU membership. Ivan Gašparovič further said that the dynamic region of central and south-eastern Europe should have the right to offer its authentic solutions within the framework of the pan-European discussion on ways out of the crisis. “Solutions based on our experience. We are entitled to do so by virtue of the results of the immense effort which we invested, maybe with differing degrees of success, into the transformation processes across our societies after the fall of the bipolar division of Europe. Into integration with the so-called advanced West. This is also why our region should speak with a more resounding voice in this pan-European discussion,” he emphasised.

In the close of his address the President appreciated the presence of President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy. “I consider the presence of the “First Man” of the European Union very important for it is primarily the institutions of the European Union which – together with member states – define the strategies, tools, vectors and pace of the reforms and anti-crisis measures on our continent”, said Ivan Gašparovič and turned the floor over to the President of the European Council.

Herman Van Rompuy began his address by thanking for the invitation to participate in such an exceptional gathering of heads of states and highly appreciated the efforts of Slovak hosts, particularly in the context of the presence of representatives of Serbia and Kosovo. He said the summit was a historic breakthrough, a giant step fully in line with the relentless effort of the EU to secure permanent peace in the Balkans, adding that Beograd and Prishtina showed the courage of spirit. The President of the European Council expressed his joy over the fact that, in a matter of weeks the EU would welcome Croatia as its new member, adding that our common goal is to create political associations and deepen economic integration in other to foster the mobility and contacts between the citizens of our countries.

Herman Van Rompuy appreciated the progress achieved at the level of economic cooperation agreements with Georgia, Azerbaijan and Moldova, and the accession agreement with Ukraine.
President of the European Council said the EU was actively working to overcome the consequences of the global economic and financial crisis and expressed his conviction that the current stagnation was only temporary and the states would overcome it and rebound on the path of growth.

Herman Van Rompuy mentioned the main attributes of the EU common strategy to tackle the crisis and anticipate future development – protection of financial stability, structural reforms, fight against unemployment, and strengthening of the monetary and banking union. Herman Van Rompuy concluded his address by wishing all the participants of the 18th Central Europe Summit rich and fruitful discussions.