Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2010 | I consider the project of helping battered women as very successful
First Lady of Slovakia Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová considers the project of helping women endangered by domestic violence, which she managed to intensify this year in her foundation, as very successful. As she said in an interview with TASR, she is proud of all charitable projects which she is involved in, but she is particularly pleased of the help for such women.
 They organized for them 5-6 week courses, where they learnd and got skills in business; also they received instructions on how to get employed. "It was incredible, as we saw them change, because the majority of women were unemployed. Their confidence has grown and they were very happy to take everything they can learn," presented their achievements First Lady of Slovakia. They could even have their children with them, who were cared for during the training. "It can be described as a very successful project," said Gašparovičová.
On the other hand, she has stated that some projects stagnated this year. She mentioned courses for the disabled, which they used to provide especially in eastern Slovakia as a part of the framework of the First People’s Academy. "It were monthly courses, but this year we could do only one course, because there wasn´t sufficient interest of municipalities that would like to cooperate with us and even contribute financially," she explained the reasons for stagnation. At the same time, however, she expressed hope that next year it will improve.
She also enjoys how the project Healthy Lifestyle in Schools will proceed, which she also managed to run stronger this year. "This is a complex project, which not only provides the benefits of fruit in schools, but also monitoring of risk factors of children, teachers or parents. Kids got a fit plan, which is the basic information on improving their eating and physical activity. I was at the first measure of their blood pressure, fat thickness and it was nice, kids enjoyed it," said Gašparovičová.
She also mentioned the help to a number of special schools – deaf and blind children, to which the foundation has purchased new teaching aids important for teaching. The financial crisis also affected the assistance of the foundation, but they found also resources for the health care. "Some devices we were still able to buy – for the oncology departement, we added two ECG devices, for the pediatric oncology we donored five linear infusion pumps." She added that they had the great pleasure to buy devices for hospitals, that really lacked.
In 2011, the foundation of Silvia Gašparovičová doesn´t plan start new projects because, as stated by its head, they have enough of them now and don´t think of other ones. We want to continue what we started, she said.
26.12.2010, an interview with TASR |