Prezident SR - Foto archív President Ivan Gašparovič is the first Slovak president to pay an official visit to Ireland.

President Ivan Gašparovič is the first Slovak president to pay an official visit to Ireland.

Between the 25th and 28th of March 2007 Ivan Gašparovič, with his wife, made the first ever official visit of a Slovak president to Ireland, where he held talks with Irish President Mary McAleese in Dublin.

 The Slovak President pointed out that Ireland was an important partner for Slovakia and that his country wished to make bilateral business relations, economic cooperation and investments more intensive. The Slovak Republic has by now become a fully-fledged EU Member State and wants to be actively engaged in this prominent community of European nations. Both presidents agreed it was necessary to further encourage the citizens of their countries to participate in Europe-wide projects. Ivan Gašparovič also met Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern.

The two officials discussed bilateral Slovak-Irish cooperation as well as the most topical issues on the EU agenda. They declared a firm resolution to intensify both economic and business cooperation, as these areas still have much untapped potential to offer. According to the Irish Prime Minister, the many Slovaks working in Ireland also contribute to the improvements achieved in bilateral relations of the two nations. The President of the Slovak Republic thanked the Irish officials for their support regarding Slovakia’s EU accession. Gašparovič and Ahern also exchanged opinions on the future of the European constitutional treaty and tax harmonization across the EU, which Ireland opposes.

The Slovak President held talks with the Chairman of the House of Representatives of Ireland, Rory O’Hanlon and the Chairman of the Senate of Ireland, Rory Kiely. In addition, Gašparovič gave an address at an economic forum held in Dublin. He emphasised the excellent conditions and opportunities for increasing the range of business contacts Slovakia has to offer - its robust economic growth, low rate of inflation and low unemployment. He expressed his firm belief that the economic forum would encourage the interest of Irish businesses in Slovakia which, thanks to its geographical location, improving infrastructure and a relatively cheap yet highly qualified labour force, represents an attractive starting base for many foreign businesses that wish to operate in Continental Europe.

During his official visit to Ireland, the Slovak President also met with Vincent Jackson, Lord Mayor of Dublin. The President declared that Slovakia was interested in further developing mutual relations in culture, education and science. “Ireland has smartly bet on education, science and technology development; we want to follow its example,” Gašparovič said. The President also visited the City of Cork where he gave an address before the Cork City Council, entitled “The Three Year Milestone of Slovakia’s Membership in the European Union”. The Slovak President was awarded the title of Honorary Member of the Cork City Council at an official ceremony, first ever foreign official to be so honoured. In his speech at the ceremony, Gašparovič spoke about the top priorities of Slovakia’s EU membership, which currently include joining the Schengen area in 2008 and the adoption of the euro by the 1st of January 2009. The President also had a meeting with representatives of the Slovak community in Cork.