Prezident SR - Foto archív President of the Slovak Republic held talks with President Vujanovic of the Republic of Montenegro

President of the Slovak Republic held talks with President Vujanovic of the Republic of Montenegro

In Brno, at the beginning of the 14th Summit of Presidents of Central European Countries, the Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič held talks with the President of Montenegro, Filip Vujanovic. Vujanovic informed the Slovak President that his country was preparing for the EU Stabilisation and Association Agreement. Montenegro wishes to join NATO’s Partnership for Peace programme in December 2007.

President Vujanovic informed his Slovak counterpart that NATO’s Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer also supported Montenegro’s endeavour to join the Alliance. In this respect, the President of Montenegro praised highly Slovakia’s assistance as an EU and NATO member state, assistance which Montenegro greatly appreciates.

President Ivan Gašparovič said in the interview that „the Slovak Republic fully supports enlargement of the EU by other states. The more members the EU will have, the stronger the union will be.” As far as the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe is concerned, he said that, after the treaty was rejected, there is a prevailing opinion in the EU that it should be replaced by a simpler and more flexible document, based on which the EU will be able to further enlarge itself and operate successfully. In the new document, according to the Slovak President, a clearer definition of the position of the national parliaments in relation to the European Parliament will be necessary.

 President Ivan Gašparovič is pleased that Montenegro is on the right path to join the Euro-Atlantic structures. President Vujanovic also asked his Slovak counterpart for expert assistance in order to help Montenegro in its integration efforts.