Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová

First Lady of Slovakia at the festive evaluation of a literary competition

Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2013 | First Lady of Slovakia at the festive evaluation of a literary competition

On 25 April 2013 the First Lady of Slovakia Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová together with the Slovak writer Mr. Daniel Hevier attended the festive evaluation ceremony of the 6th Literary Competition in Bratislava. Due to the fact that today's youth reads very rarely, since 2007 the Study Center BASIC annually throughout Slovakia organizes a literary competition for primary school students on different topics. This year 172 students from 10 schools in Bratislava wrote a thesis entitled "Why I love reading and why I don´t like reading".

First Lady of Slovakia at the festive evaluation of a literary competition

The contest was designed to bring books into children´s hands again, to boost their creativity and that the written word is closer to them. This idea also supported Mrs. Gašparovičová: "Reading is really a very complex problem. Even I sometimes like to read and sometimes don´t," confessed with a smile the First Lady of Slovakia. However, she always loved books and her favorite school subject were Slovak lectures. "I preferred Slovak language lessons due to our teacher, who was talking so really captivating the whole lesson long, that we learned all in school and we didn´t catched that the lesson´s time has passed. Often there was no time for testing and grading," said Mrs. Gašparovičová. She believes that next year the literary competition will be even more successful as this year.
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