Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2012 | Meeting with vice-president of Microsoft
On 23 May 2012 First Lady of Slovakia Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová welcomed in the Presidential Palace in Bratislava Mrs. Laura Ipsen, who is the Microsoft’s global vice-president for public administration. Mrs. Gašparovičová warmly welcomed Mrs. Ipsen in Slovakia and thanked her for good cooperation between the Slovak Foundation of Silvia Gašparovičová – Education and Health for Everybody and Microsoft Slovakia.
 At the meeting, Mrs. Gašparovičová described more closer the work and activities of the Slovak Foundation of Silvia Gašparovičová. She presented also the project of a virtual university in Slovakia, which would allow the study of socially disadvantaged and handicapped students.
Mrs. Laura Ipsen highly appreciated the activities of Mrs. Gašparovičová and informed her about some global initiatives and projects of Microsoft. Microsoft supports women in their working activities, particularly in IT. Microsoft also cooperates with non-profit sector in the field of education and invites women to a discussion panel – to tell the listeners about their experiences, how to manage the connection between work and family life. |