Prezident SR - Foto archív Ivan Gašparovič at the summit of Presidents of Central European countries in Macedonia

Ivan Gašparovič at the summit of Presidents of Central European countries in Macedonia

The President of the Slovak Republic, Ivan Gašparovič, recently attended the 15th summit of Presidents of Central European countries in Ohrid, Macedonia.

In his speech dedicated to the challenges of European Union enlargement, the president expressed a belief that intensifying European integration is of great importance. At the same time, he pointed out that the prospects for countries which have not yet, due to various reasons, fully joined the Union, have been preserved. The president emphasised that “it is fully in line with the principle of solidarity for Southern or Eastern European countries to receive in the future the same chance Slovakia once had. We will be happy to give them a helping hand in their efforts.” However, he warned the future partners: “You will not get anything for free from the EU.”

President Gašparovič considers the Western Balkans, where the prospects of its joining or not joining the EU are being decided, one of the biggest challenges of EU enlargement. Mr Gašparovič emphasised to his counterparts that Slovakia pays a great deal of attention to the relations with the Western Balkans countries and has thus earned a large part of its undoubtedly positive international reputation.

The Slovak president also stressed that the Slovak Republic disagrees that Serbia’s integration into the EU should be conditioned by its stance towards Kosovo.

From the long-term point of view, he sees the enlargement of the EU as one of the most successful policies in its entire history. The president is convinced that enlargement is one of the key motivation factors which sped up transformation and reform processes. In this sense, EU enlargement is the strongest political instrument the Union has at its own disposal, the president emphasised. In his opinion, it is also proven by Slovakia’s experience. Gašparovič reminded his counterparts that with each accession, the Union changes.

If this community decides to accept new members, the current members will also have to respect the particularities and priorities of future partners. However, the Slovak Republic believes that further enlargement is advantageous for current EU countries – from a political, economical, as well as security, point of view. “Broadening of the area of political stability, expansion of markets and business area, potential possibilities of expansion of the European project to the East and South East of the current Union’s borders, substantial weight of a united Europe’s voice – these are the strategic advantages which will undoubtedly bring benefits to the entire EU and its citizens,” President Gašparovič said at the end of his speech at the summit in Ohrid, Macedonia.