Prezident SR - Foto archív Slovak President Receives Serbian Foreign Minister

Slovak President Receives Serbian Foreign Minister

Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič received Vuk Jeremić, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. At the beginning of their meeting, the President expressed his pleasure that Serbia was making progress towards joining the EU. “Our relations are close and friendly. Our bilateral trade is returning to the pre-crisis level and the Slovak Republic is also actively participating in investments in the Republic of Serbia,” the President noted. Good prospects can be seen in the development of the mining and energy industries, where both countries could cooperate with success, according to Gašparovič.

“Slovakia’s position vis-à-vis Serbia and unconditional support for its early EU membership still hold true,” the President emphasised. Moreover, our position with regard to Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence remains unchanged,” he added. The President also appreciated that general Ratko Mladić had been arrested and extradited to the Hague tribunal. He added this could significantly speed up the EU membership negotiations with Serbia.

Vuk Jeremić replied that “around the world, Serbia does not have many friends like Slovakia, and I do not even know anyone who is a better friend.” He also delivered the greetings of Serbian President Boris Tadić. Furthermore, Jeremić informed the President of his talks with Slovak Foreign Minister Mikuláš Dzurinda on energy projects.

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs noted that his country was entering a crucial period. The elections are drawing near and Serbia’s effort to join the EU continues. “Our goal is to receive a candidate status and set the launch date for these negotiations,” Jeremić said. He also informed the Slovak President that Serbia was not willing to submit to possible demands forcing the country to recognise Kosovo’s independence. At the end of his meeting with the Slovak President, Jeremić reiterated gratitude for Slovakia’s attitude towards the territorial integrity of this Balkan country.