Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2010 | Christmas Bazaar 2010
First Lady of Slovakia Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová inaugurated on 21st November 2010 the Christmas Bazaar. On this 20-years anniversary participated 39 embassies, nine charities and four international schools. Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová was pleased that this charity event has already become a part of the christmas time. "It is gratifying that the interest of embassies to present their country is still maintained, they show us the typical cuisine specialties and a variety of products representing their culture. I am glad that also those, who need help, aren´t forgotten. Thanks to exhibitors and vendors as well as generous visitors the International Women’s Club will be able to support charitable organizations also this year," said the First Lady at the opening.
 Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová wished the visitors to take away as much culinary as well as cultural experiences of the Christmas bazaar. To the International Women’s Club, which organizes this annual charity event, she wished a lot of success for further realization of such wonderful events.
 First Lady of Slovakia looked through the stalls of the embassies and also got familiar with traditional meals. "There’s a wonderful atmosphere, I´m very happy to come here. The International Women’s Club organizes a very successful presentation of the various embassies. Visitors are excited, there’s always a lot of people, which made me very happy," said Silvia Gašparovičová.
The Christmas bazaar is the biggest joint event of the diplomatic and international community in Slovakia. Its mission is charity and therefore all money gained by selling goods, tickets and raffle tickets will also be this year used for charitable purposes in Slovakia. |