Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2013 | Meeting with businesswomen and manageresses from across Europe
On 16 May 2013 at the Presidential Palace in Bratislava on the occasion of the European Day of Businesswomen and Manageresses First Lady of Slovakia Silvia Gašparovičová met with ladies – women entrepreneurs and manageresses from Italy, Ukraine, Monaco, Switzerland, Germany, as well as the Czech and Slovak Republic.
 First Lady of Slovakia holds also the auspices over the 3-day international meeting of manageresses and businesswomen from across Europe in Slovakia. The main idea of the event is the mutual sharing of experience of enterprise managing and business, as well as to make new business contacts. "I´m pleased that in the middle of Europe such a significant event is hold. With great interest I always support and follow the work of women – entrepreneurs and managers, as well as their accomplishments at local and international level," said Mrs. Gašparovičová. According to he women entrepreneurs have a big advantage over men – they selflessly help each other and exchange experience. "I myself owned a business for several years and therefore know that it is not easy to do business."
In Bratislava more than 150 participants from all over Europe will also discuss how is the business environment for them and how to better manage a business. |