Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2011 | Discover the Secret of Progress
On 3rd March 2011 in the premises of the Motor-Car in Banská Bystrica met for the 6th time not only art lovers, but especially people with big hearts who are not indifferent to children with disabilities. This event, this time entitled "Discover the Secret of Progress" has already become a tradition. As always there was also a surprise prepared for the guests – this time it was the premiere of the Mercedes CLS.
 The event visited also the First Lady Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová and representatives of the Slovak Foundation of Silvia Gašparovičová – Education and Health for Everybody. The aim of this charity event is through the auction of works of art to raise funds that are dedicated to support disabled and physically handicapped children. This year, the director of Motor - Car Banská Bystrica Peter Kunkela handed over the First Lady a check of EUR 5.330,-.
Mrs. Gašparovičová thanked all participants for the amount of money, which succeeded to collect. "With these funds we can help children with disabilities. It’s an indescribable feeling to see how the children enjoyed the devices that we purchase. While in many european countries interactive whiteboards in schools are usual, unfortunately for us it is not. The foundation therefore seeks to improve conditions in schools for children with disabilities," said the First Lady. From the last year’s funding the foundation purchased an interactive whiteboard in the Primary School in Mužla and in Vysoká nad Kysucou. As they said, using the whiteboard facilitated the teaching not only for children but also for teachers. The school becomed for them a play. The proceeds from this year’s event will again serve disabled children. |